

1、My name is li hua生活费英文翻译, 18 years oldI am a student of grade three excellent scoresI want to know the read the tuition fees and living expenses生活费英文翻译, and in whether to need to test;Lisa 我用来付大学生活费英文翻译的租金和饮食费用,还有一些其他的比如电话费书费交通费和服装费等Young Min看起来你没有话很多钱在娱乐上,是这样吗Lisa 是的我妈妈建议我要看紧预算,这样我就不至于借钱过日子我。


2、n 保持生计生活费 4Min m#618nabbr 部长Minister部Ministry5timer 英 #712ta#618m#601r 美 #712ta#618m#601rn 电子 定时器计时器计时员,记时;what#39s the rate of the cost of eating in your livingcost?What do you consider the most while consuming?will you sacrifice your dignity for lots of money;做兼职挣点生活费,英文翻译 Do a parttime job to earn some living expenses。

3、一般有两种比较正规的翻译,1 cost of living 2 alimony,例句有Old people are hardest hit by the rising cost of living其他还有一些翻译也可以,ltsubsistence cost ltliving costs ltliving expenses;Due to our company account can#39t accept $transfer, please click the name of \quotliving\quot transfer to personal account;My pocket money is saved in my living expenses, I always use it to buy school supplies, to travel and to buy my favorite snacks;“他每月的生活费不足500美元”翻译成英语His monthly living expenses is less than 500 dollars翻译是在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对。

4、8生活用品开支 9晚上夜宵 10看病医药 11其它额外情况 当月结余=月固定生活费+还债收入+上月结余+其他收入月开支隐性开支 每月结余存入个人账户,并作明细账为了贯彻执行以上制度,要求自己坚持的原则1坚持每日;camp is 50 yuan for each person every dayliving expenses 生活费 each person every day 每人每天 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮;In college,we need to learn to depend on ourselves on living,and make plans before spending our living fees,meals should be preferred rather than snacks,doing parttime job in school is also a nice choice;I very want to go to your research study, don#39t know if you can help me part of the cost of living Another part of the cost of living I will provide for oneself Thank you very much for your。

5、生活费的英文living costs 重点词汇cost 释义n 费用成本代价律诉讼费用 v 花费使付出使做不愉快的事估算成本 语法n 名词cost作名词时,意思是“成本,费用,价钱,代价”引申可指“损失,牺;例如,我们往往付出高运输成本,以及高昂的学费和生活费当我们第一次出国,我们有麻烦知道做什么和怎么做我们不知道去哪儿购物或如何应对新的银行系统和如何使用公共交通工具当我们有麻烦时,我们可以向谁寻求建议或安全或;一般消费,正常消费,常规消费可能是生活费,还有杂费,等的统称。


